Chromebooks are Coming to SGMS Soon

Dear Parents & Guardians,

As you may be aware Livingston Public Schools have been working on a plan to provide equity in the district regarding technology access. The objective of this plan is to provide digital equity to all students in our schools by providing a device for each student to use both at home and in school. We are excited to inform you that we can provide this equity at SGMS this month and will begin launching our plan to get Chromebooks in each student's possession. Our hope is to ensure every student can connect to their learning should they need to do so remotely.

We will begin the distribution of these devices over the course of two weeks beginning the week of 3/6. Device Agreements have been sent home for reading and signatures last week. We ask that all families sign this as the devices will be used at school regardless of the devices going home or not.  Teachers are reviewing district policies related to the device use and care at this time as well as outlining the expectations of the device. Once the Agreement is brought back and signed, students will receive a Chromebook and charger from their teacher. Should you be concerned about care, the devices may be stored in their classroom, but again we ask that all device users sign the agreement as the students will use the devices at home and at school for learning purposes. Teachers will vary in their expectations for Chromebook use for their own classroom, but your child will be using this tool for instruction, assignments, projects, research, and assessment throughout the day.

Our devices are equipped with a filtering system that will provide your student with the safety and privacy they need while completing their work on the device and internet.  We ask that students use these devices for such school purposes in order for our district to secure their privacy.

Please understand it will take two weeks to distribute to all students so some will receive their devices the week of 3/6 and the rest will receive their devices the following week.

At the end of May, you will receive further information on device check-in, and we will start recollection of the devices for the end of the school year.

Thank you,

LPS IT Department